The services.php file

Located in oauth/example/server/www/

This script is the one that interactuates with the application HP WallArt sending and receiving data in a constant communication, every time we change something in designer.
Requests can be done with the three standard call methods: GET | POST | PUT.
We will use mysql.class.php to communicate in a reliable manner with our mysql database.

    //must load the file init.php class bbdd MySql connection
    require_once '../core/init.php';
    require_once '../core/mysql.class.php';
    //define an array of states in which a project can be:
    $ESTADOS = array(1 => 'EDITING', 2 => 'IN_CART', 3 => 'PURCHASED', 4 => 'DELETED');

	//captured in a variable the path required
	$request_path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
	//we authorize:
    $authorized = false;
	$server = new OAuthServer();
		if ($server->verifyIfSigned())
			$authorized = true;
			echo 'no está verificado';
	catch (OAuthException2 $e)
    //if he is not authorized, the error
	if (!$authorized)
		if (preg_match('/\/projects\/(\d+)\/add_to_cart/', $request_path, $matches)){
			//Skip oAuth verification for add_to_cart
			header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
			header('Content-Type: text/plain');
			echo "OAuth Verification from Services.php Failed: " . $e->getMessage();
	//create a function to capture the headers, because not all facilities have implemented the php function getallheaders
    if (!function_exists("getallheaders")) 
		function getallheaders_manual() 
			$result = array();
			foreach($_SERVER as $key => $value) 
				if (substr($key, 0, 5) == "HTTP_") 
					$key = str_replace(" ", "-", ucwords(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", substr($key, 5)))));
					$result[$key] = $value;
					$result[$key] = $value;
			return $result;

	// From here on we are authenticated with OAuth.
    //case 1: user_info
    if ($request_path == "/user_info")
		//capture the headers received
        $headers = getallheaders_manual();

		//seek the oauth_token received by header
		$data = explode(':', $headers['Authorization']);
		$data2 = explode(',', $data[0]);
		foreach ($data2 as $val) 
			$valor = explode('=', $val);
			$header2[trim($valor[0])] = str_replace('"', '', trim($valor[1]));

		//we recover the value of oauth_token oauth_server_token table. MySQL.class.php use the library makes requests to the database.
		$db = new db;
		$q = " SELECT * FROM oauth_server_token  WHERE ost_token = '".$header2['oauth_token']."' ";

		//we search our database or session variables in the name of the person logged-in
		$db2 = new db;
		$q2 = " SELECT * FROM usuarios  WHERE id = '".$db->f('ost_usa_id_ref')."' ";

		//back the requested values id and user name
        $user_info = array('id' => $db->f('ost_usa_id_ref'), 'name' => urlencode($db2->f('nombre')) );
		echo json_encode($user_info);


    //case 2: projects. Here we have two options, GET or POST
	else if ($request_path == "/projects")
		//first the case where we send the list of projects in an array
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET")
            //capture the headers received
            $headers = getallheaders_manual();
            //seek the oauth_token received by header
            $data = explode(':', $headers['Authorization']);
            $data2 = explode(',', $data[0]);
            foreach ($data2 as $val) 
                $valor = explode('=', $val);
                $header2[trim($valor[0])] = str_replace('"', '', trim($valor[1]));
            //we recover the value of oauth_token oauth_server_token table. MySQL.class.php use the library makes requests to the database.
            $db = new db;
            $q = " SELECT * FROM oauth_server_token  WHERE ost_token = '".$header2['oauth_token']."' ";

			//Load projects from the current user in the table of projects, the value of the user id
            $db2 = new db;
            $q2 = " SELECT * FROM proyectos  WHERE user_id = '".$db->f('ost_usa_id_ref')."' ";

            $proyectos = array();
			//load a project array table obtained for that user projects
				$proyecto = array();
				$proyecto['id'] = $db2->f('id');
				$proyecto['name'] = $db2->f('nombre_proyecto');
				$proyecto['path'] = $db2->f('folder_project');
				$proyecto['state'] = $ESTADOS[$db2->f('status')];
				$proyectos[] = $proyecto;
			echo json_encode($proyectos);
        //second the case where we receive data from a project.
		else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
			//Use the incoming params of the POST to create the project record in your database for the user and send back info as response.
			$datos = json_decode($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);		  
			//Incoming id will always be nil for new project. You have to send back the id of the project record in your DB once you create it.
			$name = $datos->{"name"};
			$path = $datos->{"path"};

            //capture the headers received
            $headers = getallheaders_manual();
            //seek the oauth_token received by header
            $data = explode(':', $headers['Authorization']);
            $data2 = explode(',', $data[0]);
            foreach ($data2 as $val) 
                $valor = explode('=', $val);
                $header2[trim($valor[0])] = str_replace('"', '', trim($valor[1]));
            //we recover the value of oauth_token oauth_server_token table. MySQL.class.php use the library makes requests to the database.
            $db = new db;
            $q = " SELECT * FROM oauth_server_token  WHERE ost_token = '".$header2['oauth_token']."' ";
            //get the id of the project
            $project_id = $db->f('ost_usa_pro_ref');
			//update project name and path of the folder in the database table projects
			$db = new db;
			$q = " UPDATE (nombre_proyecto, folder_project) SET ('".$name."', '".$path."')  WHERE id = '".$project_id."' ";

			//load the data back from the current project
            $db = new db;
            $q = " SELECT * FROM proyectos  WHERE id = '".$project_id."' ";
			//send back the new values
            $new_project = array('id' => $db->f('id'), 'name' => $db->f('nombre_proyecto'), 'path' => $db->f('folder_project'), 'state' => $ESTADOS[$db->f('status')]);
			echo json_encode($new_project);

    //case 3: Link to go to shopping cart
	else if (preg_match('/\/projects\/(\d+)\/add_to_cart$/', $request_path, $matches))
		//capture the id of the project from the URL itself received
        $project_id = $matches[1];
			//make a header to the address on our website where we have the shopping cart, with the id of the project. From here on the checkout is done the same.
			header('Location: ' . "".$project_id, true, 301);
    //case 4: Sending mails from the designer
	else if (preg_match('/\/projects\/(\d+)\/email_message$/', $request_path, $matches))
		//capture the id of the project from the URL itself received
        $project_id = $matches[1];
			//Send email from your server to the recipient with data from the POST.
			$data = json_decode($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);	
			$recipient = $data->{"recipient"};
			$preview_image_url = $data->{"preview_image_url"};
            //here we have to implement a method for sending mails. It may be for example with the php mail function
            $recipient      = $data->{"recipient"};
            $subject = 'Asunto';
			$message = $data->{"message"};
            $message .= '';
            $headers = 'From:' . "\r\n";
            $headers .= 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n";
            $headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
            $headers .= "Content-type: text/html";
            mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers); 
    //case 5: A particular project
	else if (preg_match('/\/projects\/(\d+)$/', $request_path, $matches))
		//ask us to project data
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET")
			//Use the incoming params of the POST to create the project record in your database for the user and send back info as response.
			$datos = json_decode($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);		  
			//Incoming id will always be nil for new project. You have to send back the id of the project record in your DB once you create it.
			$name = $datos->{"name"};
			$path = $datos->{"path"};

            //capture the headers received
            $headers = getallheaders_manual();
            //seek the oauth_token received by header
            $data = explode(':', $headers['Authorization']);
            $data2 = explode(',', $data[0]);
            foreach ($data2 as $val) 
                $valor = explode('=', $val);
                $header2[trim($valor[0])] = str_replace('"', '', trim($valor[1]));
            //we recover the value of oauth_token oauth_server_token table. MySQL.class.php use the library makes requests to the database.
            $db = new db;
            $q = " SELECT * FROM oauth_server_token  WHERE ost_token = '".$header2['oauth_token']."' ";
            //get the id of the project
            $project_id = $db->f('ost_usa_pro_ref');

			//load data requested project
            $db = new db;
            $q = " SELECT * FROM proyectos  WHERE id = '".$project_id."' ";
			//send back the project settings
            $existing_project = array('id' => $db->f('id'), 'name' => $db->f('nombre_proyecto'), 'path' => $db->f('folder_project'), 'state' => $ESTADOS[$db->f('status')]);
			echo json_encode($existing_project);

		//here we have to put (PUT) project data to be updated in HP ddbb of Wallart
		else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "PUT")
			//we catch the request path id
			$project_id = explode('/', $request_path);

			$put_body = file_get_contents("php://input");
			$datos = json_decode($put_body);		  
			$name = $datos->{"name"};
			$path = $datos->{"path"};
			//load data requested project
            $db = new db;
            $q = " SELECT * FROM proyectos  WHERE id = '".$project_id['2']."' ";

            $updated_project = array('id' => $db->f('id'), 'name' => $db->f('nombre_proyecto'), 'path' => $db->f('folder_project'), 'state' => $ESTADOS[$db->f('status')]);
			echo json_encode($updated_project);

    //error control
		header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
		header('Content-Type: text/plain');
		echo "Unknown Request";