The content.php file

Located in oauth/example/server/www/

This script is the one that loads contents in the designer module in HP WallArt.
Requests can be done with the three standard call methods: GET | POST | PUT.
We will use mysql.class.php to communicate in a reliable manner with our mysql database.

    //Load init.php file and connection class for MySql bbdd
    require_once '../core/init.php';
    require_once '../core/mysql.class.php';

	//create a function to capture the headers, because not all facilities have implemented the php function getallheaders
    if (!function_exists("getallheaders")) 
		function getallheaders_manual() 
			$result = array();
			foreach($_SERVER as $key => $value) 
				if (substr($key, 0, 5) == "HTTP_") 
					$key = str_replace(" ", "-", ucwords(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", substr($key, 5)))));
					$result[$key] = $value;
					$result[$key] = $value;
			return $result;

	//call the function to capture the headers
    $headers = getallheaders_manual();

	//we seek project data
	$data = explode(':', $headers['Authorization']);
	$data2 = explode(',', $data[0]);
	foreach ($data2 as $val) 
		$valor = explode('=', $val);
		$header2[trim($valor[0])] = str_replace('"', '', trim($valor[1]));
	//recover the value of oauth_token oauth_server_token
	$db = new db;
	$q = " SELECT * FROM oauth_server_token  WHERE ost_token = '".$header2['oauth_token']."' ";

	//get id of the project
	$project_id = $db->f('ost_usa_pro_ref');

    //load the data back from the current project
    $db = new db;
    $q = " SELECT * FROM proyectos  WHERE id = '".$project_id."' ";
	//define a price per square meter
	$nuestro_precio = '9.90';
	//if we set a price per square meter, we have to pass it to price in euros per square foot
	$precio_base = $nuestro_precio/10.7639;

	//create array of background images (scenes) with the values of the project: scene1, scene2 ... We assume that we have projects in the table for each project saved the URL of each background image
	for($i = 1; $i <= count('numero de escenas'); $i++)
		if($db->f('scene'.$i) != '') $escenas[$i] = $db->f('scene'.$i);

	$scenes = array();

	//load the array then send the designer with all the background images or scenes related to the project
	foreach($escenas as $key => $value)
		//dimensions of the image
		$imagesize = getimagesize($value);
		$escena["id"] = $key;
		$escena["image_width"] = $imagesize[0];
		$escena["image_height"] = $imagesize[1];
		$escena["flippable_x"] = true;
		$escena["image_path"] = $value;
		$escena["elements_ids"] = array();
		$escena["thumbnail_path"] = $value;
		$escena["thumbnail_height"] = $imagesize[1]/5;
		$escena["thumbnail_width"] = $imagesize[0]/5;
		$escena["printable_asset_free_for_samples"] = true;
		$escena["printable_image_width"] = 0;
		$escena["printable_image_height"] = 0;
		//add element to array
        $scenes[] = $escena;

	//create array of objects (elements) with the values of the project: element1, element2 ... We assume that we have projects in the table for each project saved the URL of each element
	for($i = 1; $i <= count('numero de elementos'); $i++)
		if($db->f('element'.$i) != '') $objetos[$i] = $db->f('element'.$i);
	$elements = array();
	//load the array then send the designer with all objects or elements associated to the project
	foreach($objetos as $key => $value)

		//dimensions of the image
		$imagesize = getimagesize($value);

		$objeto["id"] = $key;
		$objeto["type"] = "Element";
		$objeto["default_height"] = 75;
		$objeto["width"] = $imagesize[0];
		$objeto["height"] = $imagesize[1];
		$objeto["flippable_x"] = true;
		$objeto["has_cutline"] = false;
		$objeto["image_path"] = $value;
		$objeto["thumbnail_path"] = $value;
		$objeto["rotatable"] = true;
		$objeto["printable_asset_free_for_samples"] = true;
		$objeto["thumbnail_height"] = $imagesize[1]/5;
		$objeto["thumbnail_width"] = $imagesize[0]/5;
		$objeto["image_height"] = $imagesize[1];
		$objeto["image_width"] = $imagesize[0];
		//add element to array
		$elements[] = $objeto;

	//save in a variable the required path
	$request_path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];

	//case 1: Themes
    if ($request_path == '/themes')
		//we will load a single theme that includes the elements of the project. But we could send more items to be loaded while the current project.
        $themes = array(
					0 => array(	
							"id" => 1,
							"name" => "Theme name",
							"internal_name" => "my e-commerce name", 
							"tooltip" => "SAMPLE_FILES_TOOLTIP",
							"thumbnail_path" => "",
							"thumbnail_width" => 75,
							"thumbnail_height"=> 75,
							"cutout_element_ids" => array(), 
							"photo_upload_support" => true, 
							"rps_theme_id" => "", 
							"price" => array(
										"msrp" => array(
											"base" => 0,
											"per_sqft" => $precio_base,
											"currency" => "EUR"),
										"your_price" => array(
											"base" => 0,
											"per_sqft" => $precio_base,
											"currency" => "EUR")
		echo json_encode($themes);
    //case 2: A particular theme. We sent information
	elseif(preg_match('/\/themes\/(\d+)$/', $request_path, $matches))
		//capture the id of the theme from the URL itself received
        $theme_id = $matches[1];

		$themes = array(
						"id" => $theme_id,
						"name" => "Theme name",
						"internal_name" => "my e-commerce name", 
						"tooltip" => "SAMPLE_FILES_TOOLTIP",
						"thumbnail_path" => "",
						"thumbnail_width" => 75,
						"thumbnail_height" => 75,
						"cutout_element_ids" => array(), 
						"photo_upload_support" => true, 
						"rps_theme_id" => "", 
						"price" => array(
									"msrp" => array(
										"base" => 0,
										"per_sqft" => $precio_base,
										"currency" => "EUR"),
									"your_price" => array(
										"base" => 0,
										"per_sqft" => $precio_base,
										"currency" => "EUR")
		echo json_encode($themes);
    //case 3: background images or scenes of our theme
	elseif(preg_match('/\/themes\/(\d+)\/scenes$/', $request_path, $matches))	
		echo json_encode($scenes);
	//case 4: Back data from a particular background
    elseif(preg_match('/\/themes\/(\d+)\/scenes\/(\d+)$/', $request_path, $matches))		
		foreach($scenes as $key => $value)
			if($key == $matches[2]) 
				$scena = $value;
		echo json_encode($scena);
    //case 5: path of the background image specifically requested
	elseif(preg_match('/\/themes\/(\d+)\/scenes\/(\d+)\/printable_image_path$/', $request_path, $matches))		
		foreach($scenes as $key => $value)
			if($key == $matches[2]) 
				$printable = $value["image_path"];
		echo json_encode($printable);
    //case 6: All objects in the theme specifically requested
	elseif(preg_match('/\/themes\/(\d+)\/elements$/', $request_path, $matches))			
		echo json_encode($elements);
	//case 7: Back data from a particular object
	elseif(preg_match('/\/themes\/(\d+)\/elements\/(\d+)$/', $request_path, $matches))				
		foreach($elements as $key => $value)
			if($key == $matches[2]) 
				$element = $value;
		echo json_encode($element);
    //case 8: path of the object image specifically requested
	elseif(preg_match('/\/themes\/(\d+)\/elements\/(\d+)\/printable_image_path$/', $request_path, $matches))		
		foreach($elements as $key => $value)
			if($key == $matches[2]) 
				$printable = $value["image_path"];
		echo json_encode($printable);
    //error control
			header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
			header('Content-Type: text/plain');
			echo "Unknown request";