
Glossary of terms, introduction

HP WallArt is a new concept in the walldecoration with custom designs. The main characteristics of its model are:

  1. Customization of the designs in a web-based simulator
  2. Automated printing with eco-paper self-installable by the final customer

For the configuration of the system at programming level we have to take into account the following elements:

  1. Final user: is the customer interacting with the integrating web site and with the HP designer module.
  2. The E-commerce site: web site in which the final user acces from login and can create projects, manage them and pay for them with ecommerce capabilities.
  3. Project: each of the instances customized by the final user.
  4. Designer HP WallArt, the simulator: this is a web component in which the final user can place and compose a wall using different elements.
  5. Backgrounds: each of the images that can be selected by the final user in each project as a background of the wall.
  6. Objects: each of the images that the final user can place on top of a background within a project. It is best if they are vectorial elements, for example in Interlaced PNG format, so you don’t have problem when scaling and also with their final look and feel.
  7. Text: is another option to place on top of backgrounds and objects. You can customize text messages in your walls.

The system described is configured in a web engine with the following characteristics: